Willow Brook Dairy

Kevin Spreng is no stranger to dairy. He was born and raised on a 60-cow Guernsey operation, the family dairy where he and his brother and sister grew up. Now, alongside his wife, Kristy, and five kiddos, Kevin runs the family farm. The Sprengs milk 650 cows among a few herds in Shreve, Ohio.
Kevin works in partnership with his parents and brother, as well as with other local dairymen. With so many herds to manage, it truly takes a team effort. Kevin relies on a herd of experts as well, including his veterinarian, nutritionist, employees and fellow dairy farmers he can call for ideas and advice, or to ensure the job gets done.
Aside from tending to and caring for his cows and crops, Kevin is active in his local community, always willing to open up the farm to tours, especially for school-age children. Rotating through various stations of the farm, students listen to a calf’s heartbeat and learn about milk samples and farm safety, as well as careers in agriculture. “Children learn with their hands, and our primary goal is to give kids a hands-on experience,” Kevin says.